Director-actor Kalanjiyam, who is at the centre of the controversy involving actress Anjali and her Aunt Bharathi Devi, has come out in his defence and said that if Anjali didn’t issue an open apology for speaking badly about him to the press, he would reveal the secrets that would ‘expose’ her in public.
Anjali deserted her Aunt who had been moving around with her all these years accusing her of ‘swindling her hard-earned money to the tune of a few crores’ in connivance with actor-director Mu Kalanjiyam. Anjali starred in Kalanjiyam’s Magizchi and Karungali was reportedly very close to the latter to the fact she has another film with him. After levelling the allegations, Anjali vacated her Chennai house and moved lock, stock and barrel to Hyderabad.
Reacting to Anjali’s allegations, Kalanjiyam has said “It was me who introduced Tiripura sundari as Anjali in Tamil films by casting her in Sathamintri Muthamidu opposite Devayani’s brother. It was unfortunate that the film never released. As the director who introduced her, I was very close to her family indeed. I have advised Anjali on many personal and family matters as a well-wisher and as a family friend.
“It’s shocking to know that Bharathi Devi isn’t Anjali’s mother and that she is her Aunt. I know nothing about what transpired between Bhrathi and Anjali and whether the latter was tortured by the former, etc. At some stage, I have advised Anjali’s mother on important family issues and Anjali is trying to get even with me by leveling false allegations.
“She should withdraw her allegation that I aided Bharathy in swindling her (Anjali’s) money to the tune of a few crores….If she doesn’t issue any apology soon, I would be forced to expose Anjali in public by revealing to the press, public and her fans many personal matters about her,” says Kalanjiyam.
The black mailing episode to be continued ……..
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